Circular blue logo with white Medicats text, University of Kentucky text, and a paw

Medicats is a student-run organization at the University of Kentucky. It was created to help fellow prospective medical school students gain valuable insights into what they can expect as a medical student and physician by listening to the real-world experiences of doctors and engaging with them in-person or online.

We have weekly meetings during fall and spring semesters on Thursday evenings. If that week's physician is local, we meet in-person on campus. If the physician is not in Lexington, we use Zoom.

We are expanding the scope of our member support by contacting medical or health care related service organizations to help our Medicats gain valuable shadowing/volunteering time.

Welcome to UK Medicats!

Current Activities

Future Efforts

Icon of a calendar
Icon of smiling physician head and shoulders

Learn from physicians in-person on UK's campus during our weekly meetings and engage with them to ensure your questions are answered.

When personal meetings aren't an option because of distance, we use UK's Zoom so that incredible physicians outside Lexington can still join us.

From time to time Medicats members meet outside of academic and learning-based gatherings so that we can get to know each other better.

We are students interested in health care careers, so it's a great opportunity or us to learn from each other, share successes, and more.







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